Dokument: Altruism in coalition formation games

Titel:Altruism in coalition formation games
URL für Lesezeichen:
URN (NBN):urn:nbn:de:hbz:061-20250224-122012-5
Dokumententyp:Wissenschaftliche Texte » Artikel, Aufsatz
Autoren: Kerkmann, Anna Maria [Autor]
Cramer, Simon [Autor]
Rothe, Jörg [Autor]
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Dateien vom 24.02.2025 / geändert 24.02.2025
Stichwörter:Coalition formation, Altruism, Cooperative game theory, Hedonic game
Beschreibung:Nguyen et al. (2016) introduced altruistic hedonic games in which agents’ utilities depend not only on their own preferences but also on those of their friends in the same coalition. We propose to extend their model to coalition formation games in general, considering also the friends in other coalitions. Comparing our model to altruistic hedonic games, we argue that excluding some friends from the altruistic behavior of an agent is a major disadvantage that comes with the restriction to hedonic games. After introducing our model and showing some desirable properties, we additionally study some common stability notions and provide a computational analysis of the associated verification and existence problems.
Rechtliche Vermerke:Originalveröffentlichung:
Kerkmann, A. M., Cramer, S., & Rothe, J. (2023). Altruism in coalition formation games. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 92(3), 601–629.
Lizenz:Creative Commons Lizenzvertrag
Dieses Werk ist lizenziert unter einer Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International Lizenz
Fachbereich / Einrichtung:Mathematisch- Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät
Dokument erstellt am:24.02.2025
Dateien geändert am:24.02.2025
Status: Gast