Leket: yidishe shtudyes haynt | Jiddistik heute | Yiddish Studies Today
Dr. Gal-Ed, Efrat (Hrsg.)
Prof. Dr. Gruschka, Roland (Hrsg.)
Prof. Dr. Neuberg, Simon (Hrsg.)
Dokument 22136
Der Band enthält Studien zur jiddischen Literatur, Sprache und Kultur und dokumentiert die thematische und methodologische Vielfalt jiddistischer Forschung der Gegenwart im internationalen Diskurs. Vier zentrale Themenbereiche werden behandelt: Lesarten moderner jiddischer Literatur, Älteres Jiddisch, Sprachwissenschaft, Kultur und Politik. |
This volume comprises studies on Yiddish literature, language and culture and documents the thematic and methodological breadth of contemporary, international research on Yiddish. Four central areas are: Readings in Modern Yiddish Literature, Older Yiddish, Linguistics, Culture and Politics. |
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Leket: Yidishe shtudyes haynt | Jiddistik heute | Yiddish Studies Today | 12,8 MB Datei vom 11.04.2014 11:59:45 Uhr / Adobe PDF [PlugIn/Viewer hier!] |
Einzelne Beiträge | Individual Articles |
1. In pardes fun moderner yidisher literatur | Lesarten moderner Literatur | Readings in Modern Literature |
Lawrence Rosenwald On Itzik Manger ’s “Khave un der eplboym”
A close reading of Itzik Manger's poem, "Khave un der eplboym" ("Eve and the Apple Tree"), in the style of Anglo-American New Criticism, it focuses first on the poem's mode of reading and rewriting the biblical story, second on its elusive and suggestive presentation of voice and person. |
Efrat Gal-Ed Spur und Differenz: Zu Kadya Molodowskys Sulamith-GedichtenWas fasziniert moderne jiddische Dichter an biblischen Motiven und Stoffen? Hat ihre Polytextualität ein größeres ›kulturelles Kapital‹? Im Fokus stehen zwei Sulamith-Gedichte Kadya Molodowskys, deren poetisches Verfahren anhand ihres Umgangs mit der biblischen und rabbinischen Figur der Sulamith untersucht wird. |
Barbara E. Mann Of Madonnas and Magdalenes: Reading Mary in Modernist Hebrew and Yiddish Women’s PoetryThis article explores the possibility of writing a shared literary history for Hebrew and Yiddish poetry by women, drawing on the work of Anna Margolin (1887–1952) and Leah Goldberg (1900–1970). |
Kathryn Hellerstein Against “Girl Songs”: Gender and Sex in a Yiddish Modernist JournalSexual themes in poems by women from the miscellany Shriftn, (New York, 1912–1926) reflect ideas of gender in Yiddish literature. Comparing poems by Glazer, Weprinsky, Dropkin, Pevzner, Kling, and Lee with one by Landau, this piece analyzes assumptions about and actualities of women and poetry. |
Jordan Finkin The Consolation of Sadness: The Curious Exile of Dovid Hofshteyn’s TroyerThis essay examines Hofshteyn’s 1922 poetic cycle Troyer (Sadness) in terms of its engagement with the literary trope of exile, in both its Jewish inflection and in conversation with other key texts in Western literature, most notably Ovid’s own famous exilic text Tristia. |
Heather Valencia From Der tsirk to Erev mayn farbrenung: The Transformation of Experience in Two Poems by Avrom SutzkeverThis paper compares two poems by Avrom Sutzkever that are both based on an ordeal he suffered in the Vilna ghetto in 1941. It discusses how the differences between the works illuminate Sutzkever’s process of transforming experience into art. |
Jeffrey A. Grossman The Invention of Love? Or How Moyshe Leyb Halpern Read Heinrich HeineThis article explores the relationship of Yiddish poet Moyshe Leyb Halpern to Heinrich Heine and its relevance for Yiddish poetry. |
Harriet Murav Marking Time: Bergelson and BergsonThis paper examines David Bergelson's early Yiddish prose fiction in light of the French philosopher Henri Bergson, who played a crucial role in early twentieth-century theoretical and artistic inquiries about memory, time, and consciousness. |
Ken Frieden Yiddish in Abramovitsh’s Literary Revival of HebrewYiddish played a central role in the emergence of modern Hebrew prose. Following Bialik’s claims regarding “Mendele’s nussāḥ,” however, the Yiddish influence has been neglected. Study of Abramovitsh’s Hebrew versions of Yiddish novels shows the author’s direct borrowing from Yiddish. Frieden: Yiddish in Abramovitsh’s Literary Revival of Hebrew |
Jan Schwarz “Nothing But a Bundle of Paper ”: Isaac Bashevis Singer ’s Literary Career in AmericaThe article synthesizes the current scholarship about Isaac Bashevis Singer’s work by focusing on his re-invention of himself as a Jewish American writer in English post-1945. Singer’s work in Yiddish and English are examined as belonging to one corpus without a priori privileging the Yiddish work. |
Sabine Koller Mentshelekh un stsenes: Rahel Szalit-Marcus illustriert Sholem AleichemDer Beitrag analysiert die 1922 im Berliner Klal-Verlag erschienenen, ästhetisch anspruchsvollen Illustrationen der polnisch-jüdischen Künstlerin Rahel Szalit-Marcus (1892/94–1942) zu Sholem Aleichems unvollendetem Roman Motl Peyse dem khazns (Motl, Sohn des Kantors Peyse). |
Alyssa Quint Avrom Goldfaden’s Sheygets TheaterThis essay explores Avrom Goldfaden’s claim of being “the father of the Yiddish theater” as a disingenuous strategy. By claiming Jewish patrimony, he sought to delegitimize a number of early Yiddish playwrights who had relationships of various kinds to Christianity. Goldfaden’s nuanced ideas on Jewish identity are depicted in his historical operetta Doctor Almasada (1882). |
Nathan Cohen Sherlock Holmes in the Pale of Settlement: Yiddish Crime Stories 1860 – 1914This article analyzes the phenomenon of "Crime Stories" in Yiddish over a period of more than 50 years. It reviews the various publications that could be included in this category, highlighting their significance on the background of the wider development of Yiddish literature during this period. |
2. Eltere tekstn | Ältere Jiddistik | Early Yiddish |
Erika Timm Abraham ibn Ezra und das MaiśebuchDer Beitrag untersucht einen als Gegengeschichte zu Ritualmordlegenden entstandenen Erzähltyp wahrscheinlich sefardischen Ursprungs, der schon vor 1600 auch auf Jiddisch überliefert ist und bis ins persische Judentum verfolgt werden kann. |
Wulf-Otto Dreessen Dovid und WolfdietrichDurch Strophenform und Sprachstil gehört das Schmu’elbuch in das Umfeld mittelhochdeutscher Heldendichtung. Aber nicht das wiederholt in Anspruch genommene Nibelungenlied, sondern viel eher der Wolfdietrich kommt als Vorbild des Schmu’elbuchs in Betracht. Hierfür spricht auch ein rezeptionsgeschichtliches Zeugnis von 1595 aus Mantua. |
Diana Matut What Happened in Hamburg… A Yiddish Document about Polish Jews in Germany during the Early Modern PeriodThe essay provides an edition and commentary of a Yiddish song about a Polish Jew in Hamburg and Wandsbek (Amsterdam 1675) in the context of the history of Eastern European Jews in the German speaking lands during the Early Modern Period. |
Simon Neuberg Di shprakh fun dem bal-ha-Tsenerenes Meylits-YoysherThe article presents the main features of the language of Jacob ben Isaac Ashkenazi, the author of Tse'enah-uRe'enah, as they appear in and compared with his second book Melits-Yosher. It discusses the (few) occurrences of words of Slavic origin. |
3. Lingvistik | Sprachwissenschaft | Linguistics |
Roland Gruschka Von Petach Tikwa über Jaffa nach Meknès : Eine jiddische Postkarte aus dem Jahre 1902 als sprachgeschichtliche QuelleThis article presents an edition of a Yiddish postcard sent by Hayim Moshe Slor, one of the founders of Petah Tikvah, to his brother in Morocco in 1902. Features of Slor's Yiddish are documented and interpreted as a result of dialect-and-language contacts in 19th century Yishuv. |
Ewa Geller Die vielfach verkannte Jiddische Grammatik des Ludwik Zamenhof1909 wurden Fragmente der ersten normativen jiddischen Grammatik veröffentlicht, deren Autor der künftige Esperantobegründer war. Zamenhofs jugendliches (um 1880) Werk wurde damals abgelehnt. Im Folgenden wird die bemerkenswert moderne Grammatik für die heutige Jiddistik neu entdeckt. |
Jürg Fleischer und Lea Schäfer Der Kasus nach Präposition in westjiddischen Quellen des ( langen) 19. JahrhundertsUnlike in German and East and West Slavic, the dative is the only case that can follow prepositions in Eastern Yiddish. This also holds true for Western Yiddish sources, thus indicating potential evidence for the genetic unity of Western and Eastern Yiddish. |
Alexander Beider Eastern Yiddish Toponyms of German OriginThe essay deals with the etymology of Yiddish place names in Eastern Europe by analyzing Christian sources from the 15th century. It shows that numerous toponyms were borrowed by Jews not from Slavs, but from local Germans and emphasizes the importance of the colonial German for the development of Yiddish. |
Moshe Taube On the Relative Marker Vos and Yiddish Post-ModifiersThe paper deals with some aspects of the syntax of Attribution missing from Yiddish grammars. Four types of post-modifiers with vos are introduced: 1. vos + Past Participle; 2. vos + Adverb; 3. vos + Prepositional Phrase; and 4. vos + quotation. |
Steffen Krogh How Satmarish is Haredi Satmar Yiddish?This paper describes and discusses two grammatical traits that render Haredi Satmar Yiddish in and around New York City different from its European ancestor in Transylvania and sketches the circumstances under which these traits may have arisen. |
4. Kultur un politik | Kultur und Politik | Culture and Politics |
Gennady Estraikh Zalman Wendroff: The Forverts Man in MoscowZalman Wendroff served as the Moscow correspondent of the New York daily Forverts. This article analyzes reportages by Wendroff and his correspondence with two leading figures in the American socialist movement: Abraham Cahan, the Forverts editor, and Baruck Vladeck, the paper’s manager. |
Rebecca Margolis Holocaust and Post-Holocaust Yiddish Theater in Montreal: A Canadian Response to CatastropheThis study examines wartime and post-war ventures to establish permanent, locally trained Yiddish theater troupes in Montreal by Chayele Grober (1894–1878) and Dora Wasserman (1919–2003). These studios offer responses to the Holocaust that bracket a transitional period in Yiddish life. |
Tamar Lewinsky Un az in Treblinke bin ikh yo geven iz vos? H. Leyvik und die Sheyres-hapleyteDer jiddische Dichter H. Leyvik war in vielfacher Weise mit den jüdischen Displaced Persons im Nachkriegsdeutschland verbunden. Der Beitrag beleuchtet seine persönlichen, literarischen und publizistischen Begegnungen mit den Überlebenden. |
Barry Trachtenberg Bridging the “Great and Tragic Mekhitse”: Pre-war European Yiddish Serials and the Transition to Post-Khurbn AmericaFew European pre-WWII Yiddish-language serials published during and post-war. This essay examines the YIVO Bleter (Vilna, New York, 1931–1980) and Di algemeyne entsiklopedye (Berlin, Paris, New York, 1932–1966) to understand 20th century Jewish history via continuity rather than rupture. |
Rachel Rojanski Yiddish Journals for Women in Israel: Immigrant Press and Gender Construction (1948 – 1952)The connection between written Yiddish and women as readers in modern Yiddish culture is examined through Yiddish journals for women in the State of Israel. This encompasses questions of gender in immigrant and minority societies as well as gender images in the nascent state of Israel. |
Aya Elyada Deutsche Übersetzungen jiddischer Literatur: Fünf Jahrhunderte interkultureller Austausch und KontaktDer Aufsatz behandelt die lange und abwechslungsreiche Geschichte deutscher Übersetzungen aus dem Jiddischen von der frühen Neuzeit bis zum heutigen Tag. Die Grundzüge dieser Tradition werden nachgezeichnet, und die Kontinuitäten bzw. Veränderungen ihrer Entwicklung hervorgehoben. |
Shlomo Berger Religion, Culture, Literature: On Yehoyesh’s Preface to His Yiddish Bible TranslationThe article analyzes the Yehoyesh’s unfinished preface for his Yiddish Bible translation, published in the 1941 edition. Yehoyesh succinctly tackles questions relating to the role of the Bible for Yiddish letters, the relationship between Hebrew and Yiddish, the type of language to be employed in Yiddish writings, the Jewishness of Yiddish, and his translation strategy. |
Aleksandra Geller Auseinandersetzung über die jiddische Orthographie in der Kulturzeitschrift Literarishe bleterDer Beitrag stellt die Diskussion zur Orthographiereform des Jiddischen dar, die in der Warschauer Wochenschrift Literarishe bleter im Jahre 1926 geführt wurde. Insbesondere werden die kontroversen Fragen zur Latinisierung der Schrift und Phonetisierung der hebräischen Wörter angesprochen. Geller: Die Literarishe bleter und die jiddische Orthographie |
Asya Vaisman “A is for the Almighty”: Transmitting Values through Contemporary Hasidic Children’s LiteratureThis paper examines how contemporary Hasidic children's literature is used as a didactic tool to instill religious values, to solidify traditional roles, and to create a self-contained world that shields against the threat of secular society. |
Autoren und Herausgeber | Authors and Editors Datei vom 11.04.2014 11:59:45 Uhr / Adobe PDF [PlugIn/Viewer hier!] |